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New Balance Numeric Presents: Tri Color

The NB Numeric team has a new film featuring a team montage and 3 full parts from Franky Villany, Flo Mirtain, & PJ Ladd! Be on the lookout for "Tri Color". Not only did they feature a new film but also a new team rider, Brandon Westgate!! See below for some photos from that night.

Don't get their last names confused... Chris Scholz & Anthony Schultz.

Tale of Two Jasons, Kuhns & Rothmeyer & Chad Tim Tim.

not only were there free falafels, but free popcorn as well! this premier can't get any better.

The team photo op was after the film. Just before it started, Jason Rothmeyer premiered his full part. He nailed it!

Jamie Thomas & Chad Tim Tim. Both chiefs in their own tribe.

a couple more photo ops before we bounce out to the bars...

Cole Wilson sighting with not one, but TWO fanny packs. One courtesy of NB Numeric, and Bumbag.

Marquise Henry, night before his flight to somewhere in Asia.

wait up, matching bags!

if you haven't heard the news... it will be posted on your car.

Brandon Westgate and good homie Ethan Loy.

Till next time!
