Recap from our Annual Toy Machine Halloween Demo + Costume Contest!
Photos by @derrickgerlach @morgnar @karpinsk. Video by @yerdone

Sales Ripper, Jason Kuhns getting his MJ on.

Billy Marks & Mike Gordon - photo: Derrick Gerlach

ghoulish sign-ups

Bobbing for #activeSocks

Wassup Dawgs!

Donnie Brown Luong

Joey & The Nephews

Collin "The Beer Providing Viking" Provost

Jeremy Leabres gonna get you out!

cameo appearance: Daniel Espinoza


Neo Bennett

"and for no particular reason, Dan-Lu just kept going..."

Photographer Extraordinaire's: Tim Aguilar & Thrasher's Ben Karpinski

Billy Marks tre flip lip - Photo: Karpinski

Jeremy Leabres photo: Karpinksi

The Provider - photo: Karpinski

Dan-Lu blasting things! / photo: Karpinski

Matt Bennett - photo: Karpinski

Axel Crusher & Lady Crusher, Lizzie Armanto

Collin Provost - Barley Grind / photo: Gerlach

Billy Marks - Kickflip Boardslide / photo: Gerlach

Blake Carpenter - Nollie Heel Crook / photo: Gerlach

This guy came up on team autographs for his limited Toy Machine deck.

Spaceballs, anyone?!

and now for the costume contest...

do we have a winner here?!

and the winners are...

First place on the right, second, and third on the left.
Thanks to everyone who came out that made this year special!!!
Peep the footy below if you haven't seen it yet:

ghoulish sign-ups

Bobbing for #activeSocks

Wassup Dawgs!

Donnie Brown Luong

Joey & The Nephews

Collin "The Beer Providing Viking" Provost

Jeremy Leabres gonna get you out!

cameo appearance: Daniel Espinoza


Neo Bennett

"and for no particular reason, Dan-Lu just kept going..."

Photographer Extraordinaire's: Tim Aguilar & Thrasher's Ben Karpinski

Billy Marks tre flip lip - Photo: Karpinski

Jeremy Leabres photo: Karpinksi

The Provider - photo: Karpinski

Dan-Lu blasting things! / photo: Karpinski

Matt Bennett - photo: Karpinski

Axel Crusher & Lady Crusher, Lizzie Armanto

Collin Provost - Barley Grind / photo: Gerlach

Billy Marks - Kickflip Boardslide / photo: Gerlach

Blake Carpenter - Nollie Heel Crook / photo: Gerlach

This guy came up on team autographs for his limited Toy Machine deck.

Spaceballs, anyone?!

and now for the costume contest...

do we have a winner here?!

and the winners are...

First place on the right, second, and third on the left.
Thanks to everyone who came out that made this year special!!!
Peep the footy below if you haven't seen it yet: